Medical assistant salary in North Carolina

Medical Assistant Salary in North Carolina

Did you know around 123,000 medical assistant openings become available each year?

The healthcare sector depends heavily on medical assistants. These assistants offer services to patients and medical professionals alike. They can help with routine medical procedures like taking vital signs and compiling a patient’s medical history.

They also assist with the administrative side of running medical clinics. They do this by handling paperwork, billing insurance, and arranging appointments.

Are you interested in learning about the average medical assistant salary in North Carolina? Continue reading to find out everything you need to know about this job.

What Is a Medical Assistant?

Medical assisting is a fast-paced job. This means that medical assistants must be able to solve problems. They must also be everywhere at the same time while being calm and professional. Their office works well if they do their job well.

Typically, medical assistants work as doctors’ assistants in hospitals and physician offices. They might take your vital signs, measure your height and weight, and lead you to the examination room.

Your symptoms and any health issues will be discussed with medical assistants. They will then relay this information to your doctor.

Despite working closely with doctors, medical assistants can’t counsel patients on their health. Their only responsibilities are to gather data and set up patients for appointments.

A medical assistant’s functions and responsibilities will differ based on the sort of location in which they work. Those who operate in specialized workplaces may be trained for the demands of that office.

There are currently more than 727,700 medical assistants employed in the United States. And there’s room for you!

What Does a Medical Assistant Do?

The responsibilities of a medical assistant differ based on the office or clinic. Most of their duties are administrative or clinical in nature.

A medical assistant might be the person who comes in after your checkup to take blood. Or, you might first see them at the reception desk of a hospital or doctor’s office.

Some of the clinical duties a medical assistant may perform are:

  • Guiding clients to the examination room
  • Updating medical histories and keeping track of symptoms
  • Collecting and preparing lab materials
  • Helping doctors perform physical examinations
  • Talking to patients about dietary and prescription adjustments
  • Providing medication
  • Managing requests for pharmaceutical refills
  • Replacing the bandages and/or removing sutures
  • Obtaining blood for laboratory tests
  • Medical procedures

A medical assistant may also perform some of the following administrative tasks:

  • Answering phone calls and making appointments
  • Welcoming patients and their families
  • Upkeep and organization of medical records
  • Completing insurance forms
  • Making preparations for a medical appointment or test in a lab
  • Billing, bookkeeping, and general office mail management

As you can see, medical assistants are multi-talented workers. They streamline activities to make the clinic function more smoothly. Without medical assistants, no hospital or clinic could function at its highest potential.

Education and Training

Medical assistants must have specialized training. Program lengths range from 10 months to 2 years. They are provided by junior colleges, universities, and vocational institutions. To ensure they receive the greatest instruction, students typically select authorized (certified) programs.

Although many will take an exam to increase their career prospects, medical assistants do not have to have a certification. However, to carry out certain responsibilities, certain states may demand credentials.

A certification is a way to show that you have advanced knowledge and skill. The Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) Exam is one nationally recognized exam. So is the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) Exam.

Before administering needles or drugs, medical assistants must complete training in some states. Some states decide to specify what clinical tasks medical assistants are not allowed to perform. For instance, in Montana, medical assistants are not permitted to carry out surgeries. If they do, they must have the direct supervision of a physician.

Average Medical Assistant Salary in North Carolina

In North Carolina, a certified medical assistant makes an average hourly wage of $18.78. 

The highest-paying cities for certified medical assistants are Charlotte, Raleigh, and Cary.

The average salary range for a medical assistant varies widely. This implies that there may be numerous prospects for promotion and higher income dependent on many factors. These factors may include skill level, location, and years of experience.

Demand for Medical Assistants in North Carolina

Demand for allied health professionals in the job market is increasing. This is due to more individuals in North Carolina seeking medical treatment.

Entry barriers for parents and people with full-time employment are being lowered. This is via training programs that can last a year or less. People who enroll in North Carolina medical assisting programs can advance their careers and truly have an impact.

A career in medical assistance is a great choice for those who are passionate about helping others. This is because it offers a variety of various tracks to select from.

Become a Medical Assistant in North Carolina

Do you want to get into the medical industry quickly? Becoming a medical assistant could be a fantastic alternative for you!

Medical assistants have the potential to make a significant difference in people’s lives. They may also be able to advance into nursing, management, or another area of healthcare. Now that you’re aware of the average medical assistant salary in North Carolina, you can make a more informed choice about your career.

Are you ready to start your medical career now? Click here to view our list of online core certification courses today!