How much do phlebotomy technicians make in ohio

Phlebotomy Technician Salary in Ohio

Around 44% of American workers are looking for new jobs. The primary reason people are searching for new jobs is pay-related. Higher-paying jobs can help combat inflation and rising rent and home prices. If you have wanted to try your hand in the health field but don’t know where to start, a phlebotomy technician job might be ideal. But how much do phlebotomy technicians make in Ohio?

Before you dive into training, you might want to know how much courses cost and what the average pay is in Ohio. Luckily, we have a must-read guide for you.

In our article, we closely review what cities pay the most in Ohio and whether a career as a phlebotomist is right for you. Keep reading on and learn more!

Highest-Paying Health Certificate Jobs

For many individuals, attending college is costly and may not work with other life responsibilities such as work or family obligations. Others may want to try a career before committing to a college degree. Some of the highest-paying certificate jobs in America are:

  • Nursing aide or technician
  • Phlebotomist
  • Medical assistant

All these careers are easy to complete in your own timeframe. They also offer several different options for where to work, including schools, labs, hospitals, dental offices, and more.

How Much Do Phlebotomy Technicians Make in Ohio?

Ohio is among the top five states in terms of highest employment for a certified phlebotomy technician. The mean hourly wage is $16.71, equating to $34,760 annually. The Southern nonmetropolitan region also has one of the higher concentrations of phlebotomy jobs and averages around $13.83 hourly.

How does a phlebotomist’s salary in Ohio compare to national averages? The national phlebotomist hourly wage is $17.54, putting Ohio a bit below the national rank. However, with plenty of phlebotomy technician jobs in Ohio, it is still an excellent opportunity to gain exposure in the health field.

Phlebotomy Technician Wage in Ohio Cities

Phlebotomy technician salary in Ohio is broken into metropolitan and nonmetropolitan regions based on the U.S. Bureau and Labor Statistics. Usually, higher-paying jobs are located in big hubs and major cities.

These places tend to have larger hospitals and medical facilities, allowing for greater specialization and more competitive-paying job opportunities. If you have an interest in specialties, such as a cardiac unit, you may need to relocate closer to the city. Here is a breakdown of some of the wages you can expect in urban and rural Ohio:

  • Akron: $34,860
  • Canton (and surrounding region): $33,690
  • Cincinnati metropolitan region: $36,240
  • Cleveland metropolitan region: $37,640
  • Columbus: $31,900
  • Dayton: $35,060
  • Huntington (and surrounding region): $34,040
  • Toledo: $36,850
  • West and Northwest nonmetropolitan area: $31,740
  • North and Northeast nonmetropolitan area: $31,980
  • East nonmetropolitan area: $30,850
  • South nonmetropolitan area: $28,770

These phlebotomy technician wages are most recent as of 2019, but it is expected that with inflation and growth, you might find slightly higher pay in some regions. The highest paying fields for phlebotomists are medical laboratories, employment services, and physician offices.

How To Make More Money as a Phlebotomist Technician

There are three primary ways to make more money as a phlebotomist. First, you should obtain your phlebotomy technician certification. Next, gain exposure in the field.

Like other jobs, you may qualify for raises or higher starting pay if you have a few years under your belt. Lastly, consider obtaining other certificates with your phlebotomy technician certification. Here are some options that do not require any previous schooling:

  • Medical assistant
  • IV technician
  • ECG technician

The three listed are some of the most popular courses to combine with your phlebotomy certificate. However, other medical degrees include dialysis technician, patient care technician, home health aide, and much more. The options are endless, so ensure you research the job duties first before registering for coursework.

How Much Does It Cost To Become a Phlebotomist in Ohio?

The price of schooling can affect how much you are willing to accept a job offer. Schooling to become a phlebotomist in Ohio is cost-friendly and quick.

At Phlebotomy Career Training, we offer several phlebotomy courses to choose from, including online options. There are a couple of benefits to online courses, including:

  • Better scheduling flexibility
  • Fewer travel expenses

You can complete your phlebotomy certification in as little as one month. Courses remain open for up to six months, and you receive a voucher to sit for a national certification test. The best part is this phlebotomy training course costs $600.

Most health classes through universities and colleges can range in the thousands and increase your student debt and loans. By choosing our online phlebotomy course, you can continue working and reduce travel time and expenses. Courses remain open 24/7, catering to your scheduling needs.

Other Medical Certifications

Suppose you want to combine your phlebotomy certification with another course. Is it worth the additional cost?

In Ohio, medical assistants earn a slightly higher salary than phlebotomists. This combination course costs $900 and covers 1400 course content and 80 topics. Remember that you will need to arrange and complete an internship for both certifications.

While this component can take time and travel, it gives you the necessary exposure to practice your skills and get ready for your national examination. It can also be a great segway toward getting a job.

Start Your Phlebotomy Career

Have you wondered, “how much do phlebotomy technicians make in Ohio?” Ohio is one of the fastest growing states for phlebotomists and employs a higher amount. If you want to spearhead your phlebotomy career in Ohio, now is a great time to get started.

With more healthcare demands since the COVID-19 pandemic, many facilities are short-staffed. At Phlebotomy Career Training, we have helped hundreds of individuals achieve their health career dreams. To get started, visit our online courses and select your phlebotomy course!