certified nurse aide classes

Certified Nurse Aide Classes now $500 for January

Great news for all aspiring nurses aides, Phlebotomy Career Training is now offering its upcoming certified nurse aide class for only $500. This is the first time in 11 years that Phlebotomy Career Training has offered their Certified Nurse Aide classes at such a low price. It comes as a welcome to relief to many during the current economic hardships that Americans are now facing to be able to have such an affordable price for a profession that has such a high employment rate. As a matter of fact, the clinical sites that students will visit during the program are very eager to hire. Most of Phlebotomy Career Training’s nurse assistant students become employed by the facility that they trained at after they have completed the program. Most long term care facilities not only hire students who have graduated from a certified nurse aide class, but will also pay for their state exam through the Prometric. The exam fee is $125. This can be a lot of money for someone who has just graduated and is looking for work. All of the clinical sites which we take our nurse aides to for their training will hire them without their state certification on the spot. The facility will pay them anywhere from $13-$14 per hour to start and give them up to 3 months to complete and pass their state exam. Typically, the long term care facility will pay for two attempts. Once the student has been there for over 6 months, the facility will reimburse them for the entire cost of the course. With tax time soon approaching, most of us want to get the most for our hard earned money. Phlebotomy Career Training is the leader in Michigan certified Nurse Aide training. The course is six weeks in length and meets every Friday and Saturday from 8:00 Am until 2:30 pm. Students who would like to sign up should have their negative TB test and Michigan statewide background check ready when they register. We look forward to seeing you for classes beginning January 17th. Students may purchase their burgundy scrubs through Phlebotomy Career Training for $30.  Graduates from Phlebotomy Career Training’s Certified Nurse Aide program have all obtained jobs immediately after graduation.  Our Nurse Aide pass rate on the state exam is 98%.