What is a Cardio- Phlebotomist?

When you look at the title, what do you think of? Cardio, pertains to heart and phlebotomy pertains to drawing blood. Put them together and you have a certification that indicates you have specialities in both. Phlebotomy Career Training has been offering the Cardio-Phlebotomy course for over 10 years. You might say that we coined the phrase. Our cardio-phlebotomy course includes seven certifications. The certifications which this course includes is the following; Cardio-Phlebotomy Technician, Electrocardiogram Technician, Telemetry Technician, IV Technician, National Electrocardiogram exam, National Cardiac Monitor Technician Exam and clinical laboratory assistant.
All of these disciplines is what makes a Cardio-Phlebotomist. Though if you look for jobs with the title Cardio-Phlebotomy you probably won’t find any jobs with that title. The course was originally designed for the Cardio-Phlebotomist to work with a cardiologist. The Cardio-Phlebotomist would be responsible for drawing a patient’s blood before either an echocardiogram or dobutamine stress test. The Cardio-phlebotomist would set up the patient for test, take their vital signs, start the IV and monitor the patient throughout the procedure. During the procedures they would monitor their heart with the cardiac monitor.

Students will learn how to read telemetry rhythms such as normal sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia or a more lethal rhythm. Students of Cardio-Phlebotomy must know how to react if their patient is not feeling well. CPR training and certification is strongly recommended.
The Cardio-Phlebotomist is a well rounded combination of disciplines. The students of this course have always been very successful with employment offers and typically go on to become supervisors after six months of work.

Core knowledge of both phlebotomy and the heart make the cardio-phlebotomist a very special employee. Even if they are employed as a phlebotomist, the hospital or their employer knows that they can also task them in either electrocardiogram or telemetry. The cardio phlebotomy technician can also work in the lab processing laboratory specimens.

Being a Cardio-Phlebotomist is a rewarding career. It is also a career that provides the student with many opportunities that will last a lifetime. The student will be armed with multiple certifications and will be able to work in any of the fields that they specialize in.