Category: Phlebotomy

Interested in Phlebotomy Technician Classes

phlebotomy school

  What does a phlebotomist do? This is a common question from those who are not familiar with the job of a phlebotomist. The phlebotomist goes by other names as well, such as lab technician or lab assistant. The phlebotomy technician wears many hats. They do not only draw blood, which is called venipuncture. The… Read more »

Where do you see yourself in 5 Years?

So what makes someone content and happy? One may say a successful career and happy home. Perhaps that is too cliche or commercial sounding. The answer is different for everyone. The point is this, working at a job day after day should not feel as if it’s the end of the world every morning. The… Read more »

Is it painful to have your blood drawn?

Everyone at one time or another has had to have their blood drawn. For the most part it is not the most pleasant experience. Some people say that it doesn’t hurt while others say that they feel the, “pinch”. Have you ever wondered why? Well, maybe it would make sense that it does hurt, when… Read more »

How do you draw blood with your eyes closed?

Nurses are trained in the skill called the, “nursing process”. This is a skill that is developed during nursing school and throughout the nurse’s career over time. The nursing process teaches critical thinking skills and the establishment of the nurse-patient relationship. Making a special bond between the patient and nurse by the establishment of trust…. Read more »

Conquering Phlebotomy Exams

Test Taking

There’s a famous saying: “If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.” It’s a pretty blunt assessment of the consequences of inaction. Becoming a certified phlebotomy technician can be a challenging path, the end of which some people fail to reach.  The right school and a few key techniques, however, can help immensely. All… Read more »