Phlebotomy Technician Certification in Illinois

Phlebotomy Technician Certification in Illinois

There are approximately 22 million healthcare workers in the United States, and it is one of the fastest-growing job markets nationally. Hospitals, medical offices, and outpatient facilities house the largest amount of health workers.

As a phlebotomist, these are three of the most popular (and highest paying) specialties you can work for. Have you wondered how you can obtain a phlebotomy technician certification in Illinois? We’ll give you a sneak peek: you don’t need to attend in-person classes.

Luckily, in our complete guide, we will go over how online phlebotomy courses can streamline your phlebotomy certification process and give you the inexperience and certifications needed to get started in a health career. Keep reading on for more information!

What Is a Phlebotomy Technician?

If you have searched for “phlebotomy technician certification Illinois,” you likely came across various job descriptions of what it entails to be a phlebotomy technician. At its core – a phlebotomy technician performs blood draws.

They collect blood through a technique called venipuncture. Most people picture a venous draw when envisioning having their blood drawn. However, phlebotomists are also trained in gathering blood from finger or heel pricks.

While phlebotomists don’t work with one patient throughout the day, they are critical to the health team. They need an in-depth understanding of how to draw blood and how much a person can give. Many people have a needle phobia, so it is important that coursework covers how to communicate effectively with patients.

Where do phlebotomists work? Most often, you will find phlebotomists in hospitals, medical offices, laboratories, or blood draws.

Phlebotomy Technician Job Outlook

A career outlook as a phlebotomy technician is very promising. Between 2020 and 2030, the phlebotomy field is expected to grow by 22%. This is a faster job outlook projection than many other sectors, including other health jobs.

The highest paying phlebotomy jobs in Illinois will be in metropolitan areas. The top specialized industries were outpatient offices, hospitals, and diagnostic laboratories.

Illinois is the fifth highest state for employment. The hourly wage of a phlebotomist in Illinois is $38,570, which equates to $18.54.

How To Get a Phlebotomy Technician Certification in Illinois

Now it is time to dive into and answer the question, “how to become a phlebotomy technician Illinois?” There are two routes:

  • In-person phlebotomy technician certification
  • Online phlebotomy technician certification course

An online certification course is more flexible and often the preferred route for many students today. The benefit of in-person is simply a learning style, but it will have stricter hours and could limit your ability to work or participate in other schooling.

An online phlebotomy course will cover mandatory course materials and paid entrance to take a national exam. You will receive certification upon completing both and must complete a set number of blood draws. Ensure you register through an accredited phlebotomy program and that counselors are available to help you.

What Phlebotomy Coursework Is Included?

Phlebotomy coursework includes 140 hours and addresses 35 topics. Luckily, you don’t need any previous degrees or certifications from a higher-level institution to get started. You will need proof of a high school diploma or GED.

Here are some of the top phlebotomy courses covered:

  • Phlebotomy technique
  • Point of care testing
  • How to use equipment
  • Documentation
  • Anatomy/physiology
  • Hazardous materials management
  • Order of draw
  • How to locate veins
  • Scope of practice

Coursework is only one-half of a complete phlebotomy technician certification. Thirty blood draws are a requirement to ensure that your skills are at least entry-level for stepping into a medical facility. Lastly, you will need to register and pass a national exam for your official certification.

How Long Does It Take?

A phlebotomy technician certification online course will have flexibility in completion time. On average, the coursework should take between four weeks and six months. Remember, you must have 30 blood draws from a clinic, which could affect the final length of time it takes to complete.

Can You Combine It With Other Courses?

Yes! The benefit of phlebotomy technician schooling is there are often many other certificates available.

At Phlebotomy Career Training, we offer combination courses that will give you more experience and job opportunities. Here are some other courses available if you want training beyond phlebotomy:

  • Phlebotomy technician tier II
  • Phlebotomy technician tier III
  • Cardio-phlebotomy technician

How do these courses differ? Cardio-phlebotomy technician courses focus on:

  • Phlebotomy
  • EKG operation
  • I.V. insertion

After graduating and passing a national exam, students can work in dialysis centers, cath labs, or plasma facilities. Since it requires an in-depth knowledge of the cardiovascular system, students receive several specialized certificates. Along with the ones noted above, a cardio-phlebotomy technician is also specialized in telemetry usage.

Tier II coursework only focuses on phlebotomy and EKG training. Again, you will have six months to complete the course and access to a national exam for both specialties. Tier III coursework combines phlebotomy and I.V. technician training.

Both these courses are designed to improve your proficiency, job outlook, and future school or job applications. These are more rigorous courses, with several topics that must be covered before you can pass a national exam. In return, you have a more competitive resume and bargaining power for higher-paying jobs.

Start Your Phlebotomy Technician Training Today

A phlebotomy technician certification in Illinois could be the exact career change you need to get started in the health field. Many individuals use their phlebotomy training for advanced degrees or job promotions.

The benefit of phlebotomy training is that it doesn’t require any previous work experience, and you can get a certification in just a couple of months. Are you interested in getting started?

Phlebotomy Career Training offers online courses for Illinois residents and is a fully accredited program. Check out our complete list of courses and sign up today!