Answered questions about phlebotomists.

What is a Phlebotomist? 6 Answers!

Many people interact with a phlebotomist at several points in their lives, yet questions about what a phlebotomist is and what services a phlebotomist provides linger.

Complicating matters is the fact that a phlebotomist does a lot. This makes a brief description inadequate for all but the most basic inquiries.

That’s why we’ve assembled the following multiple answers to the question of what is a phlebotomist. Let’s get busy answering it!

Answer #1

A phlebotomist is a medical professional that draws someone’s blood. The drawn blood is used for:

  • Tests that may reveal, among other things, how well a person’s organs function as well as diseases and conditions such as anemia, cancer, coronary heart disease, and diabetes
  • Transfusions that help surgeons replace blood lost due to injury or other incidents
  • Medical research

Answer #2

A phlebotomist handles the following critical duties and more:

  • Drawing blood
  • Interacting with the people from whom they’re drawing blood to decrease any anxiety present
  • Handling administrative/procedural responsibilities, such as confirming the patient’s identity and blood draw needs, labeling the blood, entering crucial information into a database
  • Maintaining a phlebotomy blood draw kit and sanitizing their work area

Answer #3

Phlebotomists require training and experience to draw blood from a wide variety of people, including those of varying ages, weights, health, and obesity status.

Answer #4

The phlebotomist’s procedure for drawing blood requires many steps, each of which is as important as the others. The phlebotomist must:

  1. Greet and identify the patient
  2. Wash her hands and put on gloves
  3. Apply a tourniquet to the patient’s arm
  4. Disinfect the puncture site
  5. Insert a needle and draw the blood
  6. Dispose of the potentially hazardous needle in accordance with the law and established medical practice

… and more, all while ensuring the patient is calm. The phlebotomist’s job requires the careful application of skill and precision patient after patient, day after day. It can be a demanding job, but it can also be a rewarding job on many fronts.

Answer #5

A phlebotomist is well-compensated in a competitive field, earning on average about $35,000 per year (excluding benefits). The top wage-earners make nearly $50,000 per year.

Plus, there are many ways you can increase your pay in the field.

Answer #6

A phlebotomist is not a flobotomist. It’s a common enough spelling mistake and likely the reason why the following online searches don’t produce good results.

  • What is a flobotomist?
  • How much does a flobotomist make?
  • Which school offers online flobotomy classes?

Why is it spelled “phlebotomist” with a “PH” instead of an “F”? Because it’s derived from the Greek words phleba-, which means “vein,” and -tomy, which means “to make an incision of.”

One More Answer

There’s one more answer to the question, “What is a phlebotomist?”

A phlebotomist is you. It’s your way to enter the medical profession without sacrificing years and, potentially, hundreds of thousands of dollars. It’s a way to expand your job prospects, earn a reliable income, improve peoples’ lives and health, and so much more.

It’s easy to get started: click here!