Medical Assistants training in hospitals

Medical Assistant Duties during Outbreak

Have you wondered how medical personnel are being used during the world outbreak? First of all you may want to hold on to your seat, because what you are about to read is truly inspiring. This is a time when it’s a, “all hands on deck” scenario. Meaning, that everyone with medical experience is needed on the front line. The question posed to you, if you were in the field would be, can you start an IV, do you know how to suture, are you willing to assist with a surgical procedure? They are not looking for you to say, NO! Rather, the medical team is expecting you to say, Yes! Even if you have never done a particular skill, you are going to learn on the job quickly. Trust me, I know first hand. So you are interested in becoming a medical assistant? This is the best time if ever to go into the field. Why? Because of the experience that your going to receive.

Does the above scenario sound like a war zone analogy? Maybe because it is. Just walk into any ICU anywhere and you will see the nurses and doctors working frantically to keep people alive. Sounds like a war zone to me. But, in all honesty, the truth is that states have waived many restrictions on medical professionals who aren’t physicians to assist in helping those who need emergency care. So in all reality you may just learn how to start an IV on the job, perform wound irrigation, prep someone for surgery or assist in surgery.

Time is of the essence. We have so many medical providers who have shut down their office practice due to the risk of contracting Covid 19. Is this ethical? Is it against their Hippocratic Oath? You can be the one to decide. The point is that we are living in very strange times indeed and those who step out into the forefront of this mayhem and madness are the ones who will have saved lives.

No one can tell you when it’s the right time to enter the medical field or when it will be safe to go back to school. But you can decide if you want to be a part of history. Being a medical assistant is just that, you are an assistant to the physician. As an extension of the physician you will be asked to do perform skills under their instruction. Physician’s need you.
Where will you work? Currently, the most likely place that you will work is in the hospital. Medical assistants are now trained to help in triage. Here you will take the patient’s temperature, vital signs, blood pressure, pulse oxygenation and a brief history before they are escorted back into the emergency room.

You may also perform electrocardiograms, perform phlebotomy and deliver specimens to the lab. You may also take part in a Code Blue, where patient resuscitation is needed. You will be busy from the time you get to work until the time you go home, unless you are asked to work overtime. Twelve to sixteen hour shifts are not unusual right now. If you think that this is a good career choice, then you should do your research and pursue it further. With so many schools and universities currently closed, there are not that many options other than online. So take your time to decide if online education is for you. Make sure that you have a instructor who will work with you on a personal level and have frequent class sessions that are live. Make sure that you can also view the lectures if you cannot attend. Clinical experience is a must and many schools will require that the student find their own clinical site. So contact your family physician and other urgent cares close by. There is one thing that is certain in the medical field, no one refuses free help.

Be safe and stay well.